
(1999 JG6 )
NOW @ 18 VIR 58

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11.5.1999 00:00 Nachi-Katsuura 135e55 33n37 observations 1

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The White Rabbit appears in Lewis Carroll's Alice's Adventures in Wonderland. When Alice hears the Rabbit (who, of course, has pink eyes) talking to itself, she follows it down a huge rabbit-hole under a hedge, and her adventures begin. The name was suggested by T. Urata, and the citation was prepared by R. E. Asher.

Avastatud: 11-5-1999 Avastamiskoht: Nachi-Katsuura Avastajad: Shimizu, Y., Urata, T.

ORBITS | AstDys | Wikipedia | Dictionary | UrbanDictionary | Bartleby | Webster | Name Source |
Kategooriad: Legendary persons,