download list of asteroids in this group in Zet act format.
nr  ↓ name  ↓ Name Source  ↓
2Pallas War-like appellation of Athene {see planet  (881)} or Minerva {see planet  (93)}, goddess of wisdom,
3Juno Named after the queen of all the gods, daughter of Saturn and Rhea {see planet  (577)}, wife of Jupi
4Vesta Named for the patroness of the vestal virgins, goddess of fire and sister of Ceres {see planet  (1)}
5Astraea This is the Latin name for the Greek Astraia. This was the goddess of justice, daughter of Zeus and
6Hebe Named after the Greek goddess of youth and cupbearer to all the gods, daughter of Zeus and Hera {see
7Iris Named after the messenger of the gods, especially Juno {see planet  (3)}, daughter of Thaumas and El
8Flora Named for the goddess of flowers and gardens, wife of Zephyrus. (H 2) Named by J. Herschel (AN 26, 2
9Metis Named after an Oceanid, daughter of Tethys and Oceanus, and first wife of Jupiter. He devoured her l
10Hygiea Named for the goddess of health, daughter of Aesculapius {see planet  (1027)}. (H 2) Named by M. Cap
11Parthenope Named for a Siren, sometimes described as having a fish’s body, who, cast upon the shore, founded th
12Victoria Named after the Roman goddess of victory, daughter of the giant Pallas {see planet  (2)}, or Titan a
13Egeria Named for the nymph of Aricia in Italy, wife of Numa Pompilius, second king of Rome. (H 3) Named by
14Irene Named for one of the Hours, personification of peace, daughter of Jupiter and Themis {see planet  (2
15Eunomia Named for one of the Hours, personification of order and the law. The others are Irene and Dike {see
16Psyche Named after the nymph whom Cupid married. Venus put her to death because she had robbed the world of
17Thetis Named after the wife of Peleus {see planet  (11311)}, king of Thessaly, daughter of Nereus and Doris
18Melpomene Named for the Muse of tragedy. All the Muses were offspring of Jupiter and Mnemosyne {see planet  (5
19Fortuna Named after a powerful deity among the ancients, goddess of fortune, dispenser of riches and poverty
20Massalia Independently discovered 1852 Sept. 20 by J. Chacornac at Marseilles. This is the Greek name of the
21Lutetia This planet is named for the city of Paris by its Latin name. The discoverer was a German painter li
22Kalliope Named for the Muse of heroic poetry {see also planet  (18)}. (H 4) Named by J. C. Adams, president o
23Thalia Named for the Muse of comedy {see also planet  (18)}. Thalia is also one of the three Graces, daught
24Themis Named for one of the Titans, goddess of justice, daughter of Uranus and Gaea {see planet  (1184)}, m
25Phocaea Named after a maritime town of Ionia in Asia Minor with colonies in Italy, Spain, and France. Beset
26Proserpina Named after the daughter of Ceres {see planet  (1)} and Jupiter, carried away by Pluto to become que
27Euterpe Named for the Muse of music and lyric poetry {see also planet  (18)}. Her symbol was the flute. Some
28Bellona Named for the war goddess, wife, sister, nurse or mother of Mars. (H 5) Named by J. F. Encke. The pl
29Amphitrite Independently discovered 1854 Mar. 2 by N. R. Pogson at Oxford and Mar. 3 by J. Chacornac at Paris.
30Urania Named for the Muse of astronomy {see also planet  (18)}. (H 5; AN 39, 92 (1854)) Named by A. de Morg
31Euphrosyne Named for one of the three Graces. The others are Thalia and Aglaja {see planets  (23) and  (47)}. (
32Pomona Named for a nymph at Rome, goddess of the fruit trees and gardens and wife of Vertumnus. (H 5) Named
33Polyhymnia Named for the Muse of singing and rhetoric {see also planet  (18)}. (H 6) Named by U. J. J. Leverrie
34Circe Named for the enchantress, daughter of the Sun, celebrated for her knowledge of magic and venomous h
35Leukothea Named for the daughter of Cadmus and Hermione {see planet  (121)} who was also called Ino {see plane
36Atalante Named for a girl of Arcadia {see planet  (1020)} whose hand was won by Hippomenes who defeated her i
37Fides Named after the Roman goddess of faith, oaths and honesty. (H 6) Named by the Düsseldorf municipal c
38Leda Named for the wife of the king of Sparta. By Jupiter, who had taken the form of a swan, she produced
39Laetitia Named for the secondary Roman goddess of gaiety. (H 6) Named by U. J. J. Leverrier.
40Harmonia Named after the daughter of Ares and Aphrodite {see planet  (1388)}, wife of Cadmus {see planet  (70
41Daphne Named after the daughter of Terra. She entreated the gods to save her from the pursuit of Apollo {se
42Isis Named after the Egyptian goddess. Isis (the Moon) and her brother-husband Osiris {the Sun, see plane
43Ariadne Named for the daughter of Minos {see planet  (6239)}, second king of Crete, and Pasiphae. Ariadne fe
44Nysa It was to the nymphs of Nysa that the education of the young Bacchus {see planet  (2063)} was entrus
45Eugenia Named by the discoverer in honor of the French empress and Spanish noblewoman Eugenia de Montijo de
46Hestia This is the Greek name for Vesta {see planet  (4)}, here considered as one of the Hesperides, daught
47Aglaja Named for one of the three Graces. The others are Thalia and Euphrosyne {see planets  (23) and  (31)
48Doris Named for one of the sea nymphs, called Oceanides, daughter of Oceanus and Tethys. Doris married her
49Pales Named for the Roman goddess of sheepfolds and pastures. (H 8) See also the remarks on planet  (48).
50Virginia Independently discovered 1857 Oct. 19 by R. Luther at Düsseldorf. Two possible interpretations for t
53Kalypso Named for one of the Oceanides, goddess of silence and daughter of Oceanus and Tethis. Kalypso recei
55Pandora Named after the first mortal female. Pandora was made from clay by Vulcan at the request of Jupiter
56Melete Named for one of the three ancient Muses worshipped on Mount Helicon, daughter of Uranus. (H 9) Name
57Mnemosyne Named after the daughter of Coleus and Terra, mother of the nine Muses {see also planet  (18)} by Ju
58Concordia Named for the Roman goddess of peace and concord, daughter of Jupiter and Themis {see planet  (24)}.
60Echo Named for an Oread, daughter of the Air and Tellus, condemned by Juno {see planet  (3)} for her chat
61Danae Named after the daughter of Acrisius, king of Argos, and Eurydike {see planet  (75)}. Danaë was conf
67Asia Asia was the wife of Iapetus and the mother of Atlas and Prometheus {see planet  (1809)}. The discov
68Leto Named for the daughter of Coeus and Phoebe and mother of Artemis {see planet  (105)} and Apollo {see
70Panopaea Named for a sea nymph, one of the Nereids, whom sailors invoked during storms. (H 11) Named (AN 55,
71Niobe Named for the daughter of Tantalus {see planet  (2102)} and sister of Pelops, the king of Phrygia. S
72Feronia Named for the Roman goddess of groves and freedmen. (H 11) Named by T. H. Safford, assistant at Harv
73Klytia Named for the nymph loved by and later despised by Apollo {see planet  (1862)}. She was changed into
74Galatea Two possible interpretations of the name are published. Galatea probably refers to the name given by
75Eurydike Named for the wife of Orpheus {see planet  (3361)} who descended into Hades to secure her return whi
78Diana Named for the goddess of the hunt and daughter of Jupiter and Latona {see planet  (639)}. The Greek
79Eurynome Named after a nymph, daughter of the Ocean and Thetis {see planet  (17)} and mother of Leukothea {se
82Alkmene Named after the mother of Hercules by Jupiter who had assumed the shape of her husband Amphitryon. (
85Io Named after the daughter of the river god Inachus, son of Oceanus. She was changed into a heifer by
86Semele Named for the daughter of Cadmus and mother of Bacchus {see planet  (2063)} by Jupiter. (H 12)
90Antiope The name appears twice in the mythology. Antiope was the daughter of Nycteus, king of Thebes, and Po
93Minerva Minerva is the Latin name of the goddess Athene or Pallas {see planets  (881) and  (2)}. (H 13) Name
94Aurora Aurora is the Latin name for Eos {see planet  (221)}, the goddess of the dawn. (H 13) Named by the A
95Arethusa Named after one of the Hesperides {see also planet  (46)}. (H 13) Named by J. Galle, the discoverer
96Aegle Named after one of the Hesperides {see also planet  (46)}. (H 13)
97Klotho Named after one of the three Fates. The others are Lachesis and Atropos {see planets  (120) and  (27
98Ianthe Named for the young girl who became betrothed to Iphis, a Cretan girl who was changed by Isis {see p
99Dike Dike represents the human justice who with the divine justice Themis {see planet  (24)} sat beside Z
100Hekate Named after the goddess of the lower world and of darkness in the upper world. (H 14) The naming was
101Helena Named after the daughter of Zeus and Leda {see planets  (5731) and  (38)}, and cause for the Trojan
103Hera Named after the Greek goddess, daughter of Cronus and Rhea {see planet  (577)}, sister and at the sa
104Klymene There are about ten mythological characters by this name. In the Iliad Clymene is a female servant o
105Artemis Artemis (Roman name Diana, see planet  (78)) was the daughter of Zeus by Leto {see planets  (5731) a
106Dione Named for the mother of Aphrodite by Zeus {see planets  (1388) and  (5731)}. When Aphrodite was woun
107Camilla Named possibly for a daughter of Metabus. When she was young, her father dedicated her to the servic
108Hecuba Named for the wife of Priam {see planet  (884)} at the time of the Trojan War. She was a most unfort
109Felicitas Named for the divinity personifying happiness. She is portrayed seated in a throne with a caduceus a
111Ate Named for the goddess of all evil, infatuation, and mischief. Ate (or Eris) was a daughter of Zeus {
112Iphigenia Named for the daughter of Agamemnon {see planet  (911)} and Clytemnestra {see planet  (179)} and sis
113Amalthea Named for the daughter of King Melissus of Crete, who nourished Zeus {see planet  (5731)} with the m
114Kassandra Named after one of the twelve daughters of Priam {see planet  (884)} and Hecuba {see planet  (108)}
118Peitho Named for a daughter of Hermes and Aphrodite {see planet  (1388)}, goddess of persuasion among the G
119Althaea Named after the mother of Meleager, who, having killed his mother’s two brothers, was himself killed
120Lachesis Named for one the three Fates. The other two are Clotho {see planet  (97)} and Atropos {see planet  
121Hermione Named after the daughter of Menelaus and Helen {see planets  (1647) and  (101)}. She was promised in
124Alkeste Named after the daughter of Pelias and Anaxibia and wife of Admetus. She volunteered to die for her
128Nemesis Independently discovered 1872 Dec. 5 by A. Borrelly at Marseilles. Named for the goddess of vengeanc
129Antigone Named after the daughter of Oedipus, king of Thebes. She guided her father when he was blind and exi
130Elektra There are several meanings known in classical mythology. After Aeschylus, Sophocles and Euripides, E
132Aethra Named (in the Iliad) after the mother of Theseus, the Greek hero. After another legend Aethra was on
133Cyrene Named after a daughter of Hypseus, king of the Lapithae. She loved to hunt and wrestle with lions. A
144Vibilia Named for the Roman goddess and patroness of journeyings. The planet was discovered immediately afte
145Adeona Named for the Roman divinity and patroness of homecomings. See also the remarks to planet  (144) whi
146Lucina Named for the Roman goddess of the travails of women and of childbirth. For the Greek counterpart se
149Medusa Named for one of the three Gorgons. Medusa was mortal whereas the other two, Euryale and Stheno, wer
155Scylla Named for the daughter of Phorcys and Ceto and sister of Gorgons, Sirens and Graeae. The sea nymph S
157Dejanira Named for the second wife Dejanira (Greek: Deianeira) of Heracles; Megara was the first. She unwitti
158Koronis There exist several interpretations of this name among mythologists. After Pausanias, Coronis was th
163Erigone Apollodorus mentioned Erigone as daughter of Icarus {see planet  (1566)}, who hanged herself when sh
168Sibylla Named probably for the Sibyls collectively. The Sibyls were women, young and old, inspired by heaven
172Baucis Baucis and her husband Philemon entertained the gods Zeus {see planet  (5731)} and Hermes most hospi
173Ino Named after the daughter of Cadmus and Harmonia {see planet  (40)}, sister of Agave, Autonoe, Polydo
174Phaedra Named for the daughter of Minos {see planet  (6239)}, king of Crete, and Pasiphae, sister of Ariadne
175Andromache Named for the devoted and faithful wife of Hector {see planet  (624)}. Andromache warned Hector agai
179Klytaemnestra Named after the daughter of Tyndareus, king of Sparta, by Leda {see planet  (38)}. She became the wi
181Eucharis Named for a nymph of the goddess Calypso {see planet  (53)}. (H 22)
184Dejopeja Named for the fairest of the 14 nymphs who attended Juno {see planet  (3)} who promised her in marri
185Eunike Named for one of the Nereids meaning “happy victory”, commemorating the treaty of San Stefano, signe
188Menippe Named after a daughter of the celebrated hunter Orion who offered to die with her sister Metioche wh
189Phthia Many explanations are given in Greek mythology: (1) Phthia was a daughter of Niobe {see planet  (71)
192Nausikaa Named after the daughter of Alcinous, king of the Phaeacians. She befriended the shipwrecked Odysseu
193Ambrosia Named for the food of the gods. Their drink was nectar. Ambrosia gives the gods immortality. This is
194Prokne Named for the daughter of Pandion, king of Athens, and wife of Tereus, king of Thrace. She sent her
195Eurykleia Named for Odysseus’ {see planet  (1143)} aged nurse. When, after twenty years away, Odysseus returne
196Philomela Named for the sister of Prokne {see planet  (194)}. Philomela was changed into a nightingale. See th
198Ampella Named probably after Ampelos, a friend of Dionysus {see planet  (3671)}, god of wine and revelry. (R
199Byblis Named after the daughter of Miletus and Idothea, who was in love with her brother Caunus who she pur
200Dynamene The meaning is twofold: Dynamene is one of the Nereids and the Greek prefix “di” stands for number t
201Penelope Named after the celebrated princess of Greece, daughter of Icarius and Periboea. She was the wife of
202Chryseis Named for the daughter of Chryses, a priest of Apollo {see planet  (1862)}. She was captured by Achi
204Kallisto Named for the mother of Arcas, king of Arcadia, by Zeus {see planets  (1020) and  (5731)}. She was c
206Hersilia Named after one of the Sabines carried away by the Romans. She was given and married to Romulus. Aft
212Medea Named for the daughter of Aeetes, king of Colchis {see planet  (1135)} and niece of Circe {see plane
215Oenone Named for a nymph of Mount Ida in Phrygia. Oenone was the wife of Paris {see planet  (3317)}. She fo
217Eudora Eudora is the name for (1) one of the Nereides, (2) one of the Atlantides, and (3) one of the Hyades
221Eos Named for the Greek goddess of the dawn (also Aurora, see planet  (94)). (H 27; A. Schnell) Named (B
230Athamantis Athamantis or Helle was the daughter of Athamas, king of Thebes, and Nephele {see planet  (431)} and
233Asterope Named for one the seven Pleiades (also Sterope), daughters of Atlas by Pleione, greatly beloved by t
236Honoria Named possibly for the goddess personifying honor, worshiped at Rome. (H 28) Named (BAJ Circ., No. 2
239Adrastea Named for a nymph of Crete to whose care Rhea {see planet  (577)} entrusted the infant Zeus {see pla
243Ida Named for a nymph of Crete who nursed the young Zeus {see planet  (5731)}. See also the remarks to p
248Lameia Named for the daughter of Belus loved by Zeus {see planet  (5731)}. Hera {see planet  (103)}, out of
258Tyche Named for the Greek goddess of fortune. Tyche is also the name of one of the Oceanids. (H 31) Name p
269Justitia Named for the goddess of justice, daughter of Jupiter and Astraea {see planet  (5)}. She and her mot
270Anahita Named for the Persian Great Mother, goddess of fertility. (H 32) The discoverer proposed the name an
271Penthesilea Named for the queen of the Amazones {see planet  (1042)} and ally of Troy in the Trojan War. She fou
273Atropos Named after one of the three Fates. The others are Clotho and Lachesis {see planets  (97) and  (120)
280Philia This name belongs to the nymph who, with Koronis {see planet  (158)} and Clyda educated the young Di
288Glauke Named for the daughter of Creon, king of Corinth, whom Jason {see planet  (6063)} planned to marry.
296Phaetusa Named for one of the daughters of Apollo and Klymene {see planets  (1862) and  (104)}, changed by Ze
307Nike Named for the Greek goddess of victory corresponding to the Roman Victoria {see planet  (12)}. The n
308Polyxo Named for a priestress of Apollo’s {see planet  (1862)} temple in Lemnos and the nurse of Queen Hyps
322Phaeo Named for one of the Hyades which were said to have been originally nymphs, daughters of Atlas and a
342Endymion Named for the youthful shepherd who so enchanted Selene (the Moon) by his unsurpassed beauty as he l
381Myrrha Named for a woman in Greek mythology who was changed into a myrrh tree. Her son Adonis {see planet  
388Charybdis Named for a daughter of Poseidon and Gaea who was thrown into the sea off Sicily by Zeus {see planet
393Lampetia There are two characters in Greek mythology with this name: (1) Lampetia was a daughter of Apollo {s
395Delia Delia is another name for Artemis, Cynthia, Diana, Hecate, Luna, Phoebe, or Selene — the goddess of
398Admete Named for a daughter of Eurystheus who appointed the Twelve Labors of Heracles {see planet  (5143)}.
399Persephone The Greek word means maiden. Persephone was the daughter of Zeus and Demeter {see planets  (5731) an
402Chloe Named for the pretty, sportive shepherdess in an old Greek pastoral romance of Daphnis and Chloë att
403Cyane Named for a nymph of Sicily who tried to prevent Hades from taking Persephone (or Proserpina, see pl
405Thia Named for one of the Titans, daughter of Uranus and Gaea {see planet  (1184)}. Her attribute was lig
407Arachne Named for a daughter of Idmon, a dyer. She was so skillful in weaving that she challenged Athena {se
408Fama Named for a daughter of Titan and the Earth. Fama was a powerful goddess worshipped by the ancients,
410Chloris Named for the goddess of flowers who married Zephyrus. Chloris was daughter of Amphion and Niobe {se
411Xanthe Xanthe is the name of an Oceanid, one of more than 40 daughters of Oceanus and Tethys. (H 45; R. Bre
414Liriope Named for an Oceanid, wife of Cephissus and mother of Narcissus. (Z 152)
427Galene Named for a Nereid, one of the many daughters of Nereus and Doris (see planet  (48)), and grand-daug
429Lotis Named for a beautiful nymph and daughter of Poseidon {see planet  (4341)}. Pursued by Priapus, she f
430Hybris Named for the personification of insolent justice in Greek mythology. (H 46)
431Nephele Named after the first wife of Athamas, king of Thebes. She was the mother of Phrixus and Helle. See
432Pythia Named after the famous priestess of Apollo {see planet  (1862)} at Delphi (which is another name for
438Zeuxo Named for one of the Oceanid nymphs, daughter of Oceanus and Tethys. (H 48)
446Aeternitas This name is a personification of eternity among the Romans, that is represented by a snake biting i
462Eriphyla Named for the sister of Adrastus, king of Argos, and wife of Amphiaraus who foretold the disastrous
464Megaira Named for one of the three Erinyes or Furiae, daughters of Nox and Acheron, avenging spirits who bri
465Alekto Named for one of the three Furies. Alecto is represented with flaming torches, her head covered with
466Tisiphone Named for one of the three Furies. Tisiphone was represented with a whip in her hand and with snakes
488Kreusa The name Kreusa exists in some variations in Greek mythology: (1) Kreusa (also Glauke, see planet  (
490Veritas The word means “truth”. It was personified by the ancients as a deity and called the daughter of Cro
494Virtus Named for the personification of virtue. The ancient Romans made deities of all the major virtues an
507Laodica Named for a daughter of Priam and Hecuba {see planets  (884) and  (108)}. She fell in love with Acam
567Eleutheria Named after the Greek goddess of liberty. (H 60)
569Misa Named after Misa, or Mise, a mytic divinity that appears in the Orphic mysteries. Misa is known as t
577Rhea Named for the daughter of Uranus and Gaea {see planet  (1184)}, sister and wife of Cronus, and mothe
580Selene This name personified the Moon among the Greeks. See also the remarks to planet  (105). (H 61) The n
587Hypsipyle Named after the queen of Lemnos. The women of Lemnos put to death all other males, but Hypsipyle sav
595Polyxena Named for the daughter of Priam and Hecuba {see planets  (884) and  (108)}. Beautiful and accomplish
600Musa Named for the nine goddesses in Greek mythology presiding over song and poetry and the arts and scie
603Timandra Named for the daughter of Tindareus and Leda in Greek mythology. Timandra was the wife of Equemus an
604Tekmessa Named for the daughter of the Phrygian prince Teubrantes, captive of Ajax {see planet  (1404)}, by w
623Chimaera Named for the mount in Lycia whose summit emits flames and produces lions. Half way up there are pas
627Charis Named for the Greek goddess and wife of Hephaistos {see planet  (2212)}. The Charites were the three
632Pyrrha Named after the daughter of Epimetheus and Pandora {see planets  (1810) and  (55), respectively}. Sh
638Moira Named for the Greek goddess of fate. Hesiod mentioned three goddesses of fate, daughters of Zeus, Kl
639Latona This is the Latin name for Leto {see planet  (68)}, the mother of Apollo {see planet  (1862)} and Ar
651Antikleia Named for the wife of Laertes, king of Ithaca, who died of an affliction caused by the prolonged abs
655Briseis Named after the Trojan girl captured by the Greeks and given to Achilles {see planet  (588)}. When A
658Asteria The name appears with different meanings in Greek mythology: (1) Asteria was the daughter of the Tit
681Gorgo Gorgo is the German word for Gorgon. In the Greek mythology by Homer {see planet  (5700)} only one G
692Hippodamia Named for a daughter of Oenomaus, king of Pisa, wife of Pelops and mother of Atreus and Thyestes. Sh
836Jole Named for Jole or Iole, the daughter of Eurytos and by force wife of Hercules. (LDS)
870Manto Named for the famous soothsayer and daughter of Teresias Thebanus. She erected Apollo’s {see planet
875Nymphe Named for the minor divinities of nature in ancient mythology represented as beautiful maidens dwell
880Herba Named for the Greek god of misery and poverty. (H86)
881Athene Named for the Greek goddess of wisdom, comparable to the Roman Minerva {see planet  (93)}. Athene is
889Erynia Named after one of the avenging deities who according to Greek mythology tormented criminals and inf
896Sphinx Named for a female monster having, according to Greek mythology, a winged lion’s body and a human he
899Jokaste Named for the mother of Oedipus. She married her son without recognizing him, and by him had sons Po
946Poesia Named after the goddess of poetry. (H 91) Name proposed by N. Komendantov.
1011Laodamia This name has two meanings in the Greek mythology: (1) Laodamia, the daughter of Akastos, was the wi
1027Aesculapia Named for Aesculapius, the Roman god of medicine, son of Apollo {see planet  (1862)} and Koronis {se
1035Amata Named possibly after the wife of king Latinus and mother of Lavinia, the wife of Aeneas {see planet
1051Merope Named for one of the Pleiades, daughters of Atlas and Pleione.
1108Demeter Named for the Greek goddess of the fruitful soil and of agriculture. The Romans identified Demeter w
1184Gaea Named after the Greek Earth goddess. After Chaos, Gaea appeared and bore Uranus, the personification
1808Bellerophon Named after the hero of a Greek saga, who vanquished the Chimaera {see planet  (623)}, a monster whi
1809Prometheus Named after the hero of a Greek saga, who stole the fire from the gods. (M 3934) The name Prometheus
1810Epimetheus Epimetheus, the brother of Prometheus {see planet  (1809)}, opened the Pandora {see planet  (55)} bo
1981Midas Named for the Phrygian king supposed to have the gift of transforming all that he touched to gold. A
2103Laverna Laverna was the protecting divinity of thieves and imposters. Her name was probably connected with t
2150Nyctimene Nyctimene was a daughter of Epopeus, King of Lesbos. Pursued and raped by her father, she concealed
2736Ops Named for the Roman goddess of abundance. (M 7621)
2878Panacea Named for the Roman goddess of health, daughter of Aesculapius {see planet  (1027)} and sister of Ma
5335Damocles Legend has it that Damocles, a courtier of the tyrant Dionysius the Elder of Syracuse, was invited t
6261Chione Named for the Greek princess Chione, who had the misfortune of having both Apollo {see planet  (1862
6604Ilias Named for the greatest of the Greek epics, the Iliad of Homer {see planet  (5700)}. This work was la
9009TirsoTirso, the scepter of Dionysus, aided the enjoyment of life. As an acronym meaning, in Italian, “al
9142RhesusNamed for the king of the Thracians and ally of the Trojans. He and his twelve companions were stea
10295HippolytaHippolyta was one of the greatest queens of the Amazons. She wore a beautiful golden girdle, a gift
37117NarcissusIn Greek mythology Narcissus was a hero from the territory of Thespiae in Boeotia who was renowned f
52872OkyrhoeOkyrhoe was the daughter of Chiron and Chariklo. The name means “swift running” or “fast flowing”.
60558EcheclusThe centaur Echeclus was killed by Ampyx in the battle with the Lapiths.
69230HermesHermes was the messenger of the gods, son of Zeus and Maia. His attributes are the most complex and
96189PygmalionPygmalion, a vegetation god in ancient Greek mythology, is also the name of the Greek sculptor who f
99942ApophisAlso known as Apep, the Destroyer, Apophis is the Egyptian god of evil and destruction who dwelled i
99950EuchenorThe Greek hero Euchenor, who came from Corinth, was killed in the Trojan War by Paris.
101955BennuBennu was an Egyptian mythological figure associated with Osiris, Atum and Ra. This minor planet is
120347SalaciaSalacia is the Roman goddess of the calm and sunlit ocean. At first afraid of Neptune's advances, s
121725AphidasDuring the battle between the Centaurs and Lapiths, the centaur Aphidas remained in a drunken sleep.
129137HippolochosHippolochos was the son of Antimachos, the Trojan councillor responsible for preventing Helen from b
134329CycnosCycnos, an ally of Priam, was a son of Poseidon by a nymph. His body was firm as iron; he was invul
134419HippothousHippothous, one of the sons of King Priam, was cursed together with his brothers by their angry fath
136199ErisEris is the Greek goddess of discord and strife. She stirs up jealousy and envy to cause fighting an
136557NeleusNeleus was the father of the Greek Nestor, known for his wisdom. Neleus and his wife Chloris and th
161989CacusThe fire-breathing monster Cacus, son of Vulcan, stole cattle Hercules had acquired as his tenth lab
164585OenomaosIn Greek mythology, King Oenomaus of Pisa was the son of Ares by Harpina and father of Hippodamia.
171433ProthousProthous, leader of Magnesia, son of Tenthredon, was one of the suitors of Helen. He brought 40 shi
173086NireusNireus, the king of Syme island, fought for the Greeks during the Trojan war. Although of low birth
173117PromachusPromachus was a Greek warrior in the Iliad who was killed by the Trojan hero Acamas.
181279IapyxSon of Iasus and favorite of Apollo, Iapyx was the healer of Aneas during the Trojan War. He escape
181751PhaenopsPhaenops, the father of Xanthos and Thouon, was left in bitter grief and anguish, after hearing that
184280YperionAccording to Apollodorus, Yperion was a son of Priam and therefore a Trojan. Millennia later a watch
188847RhipeusAccording to Virgil, Rhipeus died fighting alongside Aeneas in the fall of Troy. The poet says that
189004CapysCapys was the son of Assaracus and the father of the Anchises. He was the grandfather of the Trojan
189310PolydamasPolydamas was a Trojan commander whose battle strategy was more cautious than that of his friend Hek
192220OiclesOicles was an Argive king, father of Amphiaraus and son of Mantius. He accompanied Heracles on the m
200069AlastorAlastor, a Greek hero, was leader of the Pylian contingent before Troy. He twice carried wounded Gre
216462PolyphontesPolyphontes, a Greek hero, son of Autophonos, was one of the leaders of an ambush against Tydeus nea
221908AgastrophusIn Homer's Iliad, Agastrophus was a Paionian hero, famed for his spear, who fought with the T
221917OpitesOpites was a Greek soldier, a ruler of the Danaans, who was killed by Hektor in the battle for Troy.
225276LeïtosLeïtos, son of Alektryon, leader of the Boeotians, was wounded by Hektor in the Trojan War. The nam
228110EudorusEudorus (“Good Gift”) was one of the captains of Achilles' fierce Myrmidon troops. He was an excell
231666AisymnosAisymnos was a ruler of the Danaans, a Greek soldier who was killed by Hektor. This Trojan was dete
248183PeisandrosPeisandros was the son of Antimachos. This Trojan warrior and his brother Hippolochos were killed b
264150DolopsDolops, son of Klythios (Clytius), was killed by Hektor, son of Priam, in the Trojan War. Name sugg
314082DryopeDryope was the daughter of King Dryops. She became the lover of Apollo. Her son Amphissus built a t
330836OriusThe centaur Orius, who lived in the mountains, was killed by Heracles when he tried to steal the win
341520Mors-SomnusMors and Somnus are twin gods of the underworld and offspring of Nox. Mors is the Roman personificat
346889RhiphonosRhiphonos (Riphonus) was one of the commanders of the Centaurs who joined Dionysus in his campaign a
353189IasusIasus was a Greek hero in the Trojan War. A leader of the Athenians and the son of Sphelus, he foug
356217ClymeneClymene was the wife of Nauplius, and mother of Palamedes, Oeax and Nausimedon. Palamedes joined th
360072AlcimedonAlcimedon was the son of Laerceus, and one of the commanders of the Myrmidons under Patroclus. Name
382238EuphemusEuphemus, son of Troezenus, was a leader of the Thracian Cicones, and an ally of the Trojans. He was
385571OtreraOtrera was the first queen of the Amazons. She was involved with Ares and was the mother of the Ama

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