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nr  ↓ name  ↓ Name Source  ↓
76Freia Named after the Norse goddess of love and beauty. (AN 59, 16 (1862))
77Frigga Named after the Norse goddess and queen of all the gods. Frigga is the wife of Odin {see planet  (39
92Undina Named for the heroine of the early 19th century novel Undine by the German romantic writer F. H. K.
116Sirona Named after the Celtic mother goddess of Belgian and Roman Gaul, whose worship was in connection wit
122Gerda Named for the wife of Freyr in Norse mythology. (H 16)
123Brunhild Named for a character of the Nibelungenlied, the Volsung Cycle, and the Thidrek Saga. Brunhild was a
131Vala Named for a prophetess in Scandinavian mythology. (AN 82, 130 (1873))
165Loreley Named after a siren of Germanic legend who by her songs lures Rhine river boatmen to destruction on
167Urda Named for one of the three Norns in Norse mythology. Urda stands for the Past. (H 21) The other Norn
176Iduna Named by the discoverer after a club in Stockholm, Sweden on the occasion of a meeting of the Astron
178Belisana Named for Belisana, the name of Athene or Minerva {see planets  (881) and  (93)} among the Gauls, si
191Kolga Named for the daughter of Aeger in Norse mythology. All names of his daughters are personifications
240Vanadis Named for Freya {see planet  (76)}, the Norse goddess of love and beauty. Vanadis is one of the name
242Kriemhild Named probably after the sister of Gunther in the medieval German Nibelungenlied who married the her
256Walpurga Named after St. Walpurga {710?–777}, princess of Wessex, England who with her brothers went to Germa
260Huberta Named for St. Hubertus (656?–727) of Liège, patron of the hunters. (A. Schnell) The ‘Beilage zum (Wi
299Thora Named for the Norse god of thunder, weather and crops. (A. Schnell) Named by Geheimrat Prof. Scheibl
328Gudrun Named for the wife of Sigurd and later of Atli in the Gudrun Saga in Norse mythology. (I. van Houten
343Ostara Named after the early Norse goddess of Spring. The Easter rabbit was the escort of Ostara who thus c
373Melusina Named probably for the legendary ancestress of the noble family of Lusignan of the 10th century, a h
394Arduina Named probably for Arduenna, goddess of hunting among the Gauls. Silva Arduenna was the vast Ardenne
456Abnoba This name was used by the Roman troops in southern Germany for the mountainous region of the Black F
500Selinur Named after a character in the novel Auch Einer (1879) by the German writer Friedrich Theodor Vische
601Nerthus Named for the Nordic goddess, wife of the Heaven’s god. (H 63)
613Ginevra Named very probably after Guinevere, wife of King Arthur {see planet  (2597)}. In the novel Le morte
621Werdandi Named for one of the three Norns in Norse mythology. Werdandi stands for the Present. (H 21) The oth
657Gunlod Named after the daughter of the giant Sutung who took care of the Scandinavian hydromel. Odin {see p
673Edda Independently discovered 1908 Sept. 21 by A. Kopff at Heidelberg. Named for the Norse Edda which is
877Walkure he heroes to be slain in battle and conduct them to Valhalla {see planet  (1260)}. It is also the ti
894Erda Named for the Norse goddess, incarnation of the nature, a seer who knows the origin and the destinat
919Ilsebill Named for the famous character appearing in the German fairy tale Von den Fischer un sijne Fru (The
949Hel Named for the Norse goddess of the dead and the queen of the underworld. (LDS) Name proposed by Mrs.
962Aslog This is a Christian name from Norse mythology. Aslög followed her foster-father hidden in his harp.
1003Lilofee Named by the discoverer (RI 402) for a legendary character which is the title figure in an old Germa
1130Skuld Named for one of the three Norns in Norse mythology. Skuld stands for the Future. (H 106) The other
1260Walhalla Named for the memorial hall near Regensburg, Germany. In Norse mythology it was the hall of Odin {se
1272Gefion Named for a figure in Norse mythology and for the Gefion spring in Copenhagen. (H 117)
2041Lancelot Named for one of the knights of the round table. (M 6421)
2054Gawain Named for one of the knights of the round table. (M 6421)
2082Galahad Named for one of the knights of the round table. (M 6421)
2095Parsifal Named for one of the knights of the round table. (M 6421)
2155Wodan Named for the chief god of Teutonic mythology, also honored in some languages by the fourth day of t
2176Donar Named for the god of thunderstorms in Teutonic mythology, also honored in some languages by the fift
2462Nehalennia Named for a Roman goddess of fortune, worshiped mainly in the region that is now the Netherlands. (M
2521Heidi Named for the heroine of a still highly popular, deeply moving children’s tale from the Swiss Alps,
2597Arthur Named for the central figure of the Arthurian legends of medieval England. In his youth, Arthur pull
2598Merlin Named for the sage and sorcerer of the Arthurian legends. Merlin’s magic enabled Arthur {see planet
2630Hermod Named for a son of Odin and Frigga {see planets  (3989) and  (77)} in Scandinavian mythology. He ent
2881Meiden Named for the hare-god of ancient Lithuanian mythology, Meiden was also deity of animals and forests
3838Epona Named for the Gaulish goddess of horses and horseriders, specifically with respect to those on Palom
3989Odin Named after the first and mightiest god in Norse mythology, who is the god of battle and victory, bu
3990Heimdal Named after the god of dawn and light in Norse mythology, son of Odin {see planet  (3989)}, born of
4059Balder Named after the kindest Norse god, handsome and wise, son of Odin {see planet  (3989)}, peacemaker a
4092Tyr Named after one of the bravest gods in Norse mythology and a great warrior. It is unclear whether he
4179Toutatis Named after the Gaulish god, protector of the tribe. This totemic deity is well known because of the
4213Njord Named after the god of winds, navigation and prosperity in Norse mythology. He belongs to the race o
4484Sif Named after Tor’s wife, who after Odin’s {see planet  (3989)} wife, is the highest ranked of the Asy
4572Brage Named after the god of poetry and music in Norse mythology, husband of Idun {see planet  (176)} and
4669Hoder Named after the blind god in Norse mythology, son of Odin {see planet  (3989)} and brother of Balder
4862Loke Named after the strangest character in Norse mythology. Loke is one of the giants, but he lives amon
4894Ask Named after the first man, who, according to Norse mythology, was made from an ash tree by Odin {see
4895Embla Named after the first woman, who, according to Norse mythology, was made from an ash tree by Odin {s
5164Mullo Named for a Celtic divinity venerated in western France, especially in Mayenne, where the discoverer
5370Taranis Named after the Gaulish god of thunder (Irish “torann” and Gallic “Taran”). His symbols are the whee
6666Fro Frö, son of Njord {see planet  (4213)}, was the fertility god in the old Nordic religion. He was als

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