
“you’re needy” the air and water sign dilemma

24 Sep 2016, 11:12 pm

I have been called needy before I have been told I require too much attention. I attract mostly air sign men though Libra and Gemini will be the two that most often label me this. Something about Aquarius suns they understand me most they really get me out of all the air signs. Perhaps that is because I have Aquarius rising.

I am not needy and laugh at the utter absurdity of labeling me as such. But generally speaking I dislike labels. I have an Aries Moon this it itself means I do not need anyone (the moon rules your needs and Aries is the sign of self). I am comfortable alone, I am actually quite the loner not particularly social So when someone labels me needy I really want to tell them instead of affixing me with such an insulting adjective why don’t you apologize for having the inability to actually meet my needs. Isn’t that really the case when someone calls you needy? This is their way of confessing they have an inability to give you what you desire

“People only see you from their level of perception”

Water and Air signs do not understand one another on an ego level…on an identity level. Though I am inclined to say water signs appreciate air signs intelligence I love someone intelligent it’s admirable to be well read to know facts and figures on topics I have really no strong interest in.  I as a Cancer sun can celebrate the more cerebral parts of a person. After all I do have Venus in Gemini and feel that love can first begin in the mind and nothing is as beautiful as a man with a big vocabulary. But I still possess a water sign sun and nothing could describe me more than the quote below:


But we live in a society where intellect and achievement is valued over intuition and feeling. And here is where water signs are often labeled needy…our contributions aren’t celebrated like air signs and air signs rarely if ever can understand us. I am not sure they even try; sometimes I feel they are quick to dismiss us so easily feeling swept up under a wave of our emotion.

Air signs project qualities onto us without actually communicating or asking what we need or desire they so often think they know everything.

I dated a Gemini man that would always say to me “I don’t want to talk about having children”  this man assumed I wanted children he never even bothered to ask me …I surely would have  told him I don’t want any.

They see us only through their level of perception and that level of perception is what they think we need/feel/desire without having any real knowing of what we need/feel/desire

Air signs need to be free and have the most difficult times relating to others on an emotional level. If you think of air it’s the breath and they need plenty of room to breathe and roam. Air signs never want to feel held down they have the fear of suffocation…that’s an air sign for you. They filter everything through the mind and love if anything has no place being sorted out through intellect. It must be felt.

Water signs however use intuition to process everything we are formless like air yet we seek someone to house us and be our container. Water signs seek to emotionally connect, we want to merge with you on a soul level we want you to house and be a safe place for our ever changing emotional states.

Water signs use touch and non verbal communication as modes of expression

So while air signs tend to think we are all up there ass we are simply communicating without words how much we like/admire/desire them

Air signs use words as a means of expression.

I do believe this can be sorted out if water signs would allow air signs that room to breathe and if air signs would acknowledge and celebrate that we don’t need them we merely connect through physical and intimate expression.

I think water and air have a great deal to teach one another with air encouraging water to be more rational and detached and with water teaching air to get out of their head and into their heart. Water can teach air that in essence not everything that counts can be counted.

Liz Greene writes in her book “relating”

“The airy type has a problem with feeling…because feelings like everything else which comes under his microscopic eye cannot be classified, structured, analyzed or fitted into the framework”

She goes onto say about the air signs

“His richest relationships will be with the feeling types for they are both his greatest fascination and the reflection of his own inner self”

Greene goes on to mention that water signs have a “problem with reason”

And that “water is magnetically attracted to air and if these two types could cease their endless skirmishing they could learn much from each other about their own unconscious lives”

For a long time now I feel we should just accept people as they are without labeling them one thing or another. The truth of the matter is people cannot be boxed in, we are multifaceted human beings and often the things we love about someone are the same features we devalue overtime. (See the Before Sunrise trilogy) Water signs are drawn to air signs for the way they can be objective and analytical and air signs love water for their creative energy and for having a way of tapping into what the air sign needs on a subconscious level to diminish and weaken these connections with adjectives such as needy (water signs) and shallow (Air signs) is an assault on the very soul of what we love most about one another.

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