
Woman In Love With A Sagittarius Man

22 Oct 2016, 06:07 pm

sagittarius man square posterI got a call today from a friend who is in love with a man who is a Sagittarius. I don’t blame her- the man is a go-getting God. He works for a nonprofit and tirelessly champions the downtrodden as a successful fundraising dervish. My friend is a Taurus. Did you hear the “clunk” after I said “Taurus”? Most of her questions center on asking me WHEN he is going to stop chasing waterfalls, and decide to pick her once and for all and settle down and start a “real” life. Her chart has very little fire and air; his has no water, but does have earth. You’d think this is a match made in heaven, right? Opposites attract, and all that?(...)
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