
Moonchild daily horoscope – October 18 2018

17 Oct 2018, 04:00 pm

There are no major planetary alignments today so I am going old-school and picking a card for each sign. So just pause for a moment, close your eyes and think about your most pressing dilemma – and now here is your answer. Remember if you are reading this, it’s meant for you!
Sometimes you need to weave a bit of magic and sometimes you need be practical – and sometimes you need to find a combination of the two. This card suggests that this is where you are now. You need to use the laws of attraction to draw in what you want (by imagining it, expecting it, welcoming it) but you need to balance that with taking practical down to earth steps towards your goals. This isn’t about wishing on the Moon and hoping for the best; it’s about making something like a list of bullet points about how to achieve your dreams. If you’re asking about money, this card heralds a change of financial fortunes depending on both your past actions and what you’re expecting, and therefore attracting.
Today I used my gorgeous (if I do say so myself!) new deck of Moonology oracle cards – click here to find out more.


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