
Chiron Direct, Galactic Healing

10 Dec 2018, 03:34 am

Chiron turns Direct December 8 @ 11:52 pm PST/December 9 @ 2:52 am EST/ 7:52 am GMT @ 27 degrees 53 minutes  of PISCES exactly square to the Galactic Center in Sagittarius.

I know for a fact and every empath and spiritual healer and sensitive person I’ve worked with over the past few months have been feeling the Galactic, old soul, ancient karmic deepest layers of emotional wounds and the greatest vulnerabilities have been poked raw for the past few months.

The Galactic Center connection is powerful too. These are GALACTIC wounds we’ve been feeling collectively and the pain of being detached from the source of our Galactic origins has been felt. Our human wounds have also made us weep, feel suicidal, leave relationships that were intensely close for us, and do major healing work on ourselves in deeper layers than we remember going for eons. 

Since July 4 Chiron turned Retrograde at 2 degrees 25 Aries as the SUN was conjunct SIRIUS at 13 degrees Cancer the same degree as the U.S. Sun. 

Chiron’s myth is a powerful teaching tale. He was half-immortal half-human. He was the wisest of all the Centaurs because of his mixed-blood status. Abandoned at birth by his father Kronos/Saturn a Titan and his mother Philyra who was an Oceanid, Chiron was accidentally struck by his friend Heracles’, the Greek hero’s poison arrow. This wound could not heal because of Chiron’s Demi-God genetics. His half-human side also made him vulnerable in a way that God’s never are. Eventually, Chiron went to Zeus, head of the Greek Pantheon and asked to die as he didn’t want to live in pain forever. Chiron volunteered to exchange his immortality with Prometheus who as being punished horribly for stealing fire from the gods to help humans. After 9 days of suffering having his liver slowly nibbled by a vulture, Zeus took pity on innocent Chiron and freed him and made him immortal wrapped in 14 stars to reign from the Heavens as the constellation Sagittarius. 

Chiron teaches us to not fall into the trap of identifying only with our wounds and the vulnerable fragile human part of ourselves but to also rely on the part of ourselves which is immortal and can rise above whatever necessary woundings all humans suffer by virtue of being born in this 3d world. It is because of our wounds that we reincarnate. Chiron is an extremely important teaching story as it tells us how necessary the wound is as it makes us human and in it there is the healing as well.

As Chiron the comet turns Direct his energy is the most powerful.

Mercury in Scorpio trines Chiron in Pisces

This is a day when God’s speak and we need to listen deeply. Since July 4th whatever old karmic wounds have come up during these past 5 months, this is a day to integrate and begin to move forward.

I swear that this happened to me to the day. A great grief, a split that I was not expecting and an ancient wound was reopened so that I could fully feel it, and grieve it. This has set me on a new understanding of myself and others. Today there was a new beginning. 

Chiron re-enters Aries on February 18, 2019, which is Presidents day in the U.S. There may be some significant firey blasts and turning point with some major wounds in the Presidency on that day. 

It will take until April 1, 2019, for Chiron to bypass his Retrograde turning point of July 4, 2018. In a sense, we are still integrating these ancient lessons until then.

Be gentle with yourself. Jupiters presence in Sagittarius this year heighten Chiron’s energy. We are experiencing a massive uplifting and downloading of new insights and revelatory experiences. 

Love yourself. heal thyself first. Many empaths and healers project their own shadows onto their clients. Stop and take care of yourself now.

Please share widely, all waiting is copyright of Tara Greene unless otherwise indicated

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read about Chiron’s history



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