
Astro Daily: August 17, 2018

17 Aug 2018, 11:29 am

We start the weekend with a Scorpio Moon, one that stirs up deep emotions and passions. While not the lightest of energies, use it for an honest, if not revealing, heart-to-heart. Examine your fears, face the shadow parts of yourself, and transform.

Friday also marks the first quarter moon. If you think back to August 11 we had a Leo New Moon as well as a solar eclipse. So the first quarter moon brings to the forefront a story or an issue, or challenge that was seeded with the new moon. If the Leo New Moon was a mandate to be ourselves, then what coming up for you today? How is this mandate moving you forward?

By Saturday, the Moon moves onto Sagittarius, which tends to be a lot more enthusiastic and playful than Scorpio. The Sagittarius Moon loves to explore as well as look toward different cultures and ways of seeing the world, which makes for a nice pairing with the Leo Sun.  That said, Jupiter in Scorpio is making its last trine to Neptune in Pisces. We may be digging into spirituality and metaphysics this weekend, too.

Lastly, Mercury turns direct on Sunday, August 19. Just give yourself some breathing room for plans and schedules. Mercury Direct tends to make things feel extra retrograde-y, even as we come out of the retrograde. Enjoy!

Read More:

Jupiter in Scorpio: Sign by Sign

Leo New Moon: Darkness into Light

August 2018 Horoscopes

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Photo by Johannes Plenio on Unsplash

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