
Aries daily horoscope – August 17 2018

16 Aug 2018, 04:00 pm

Jupiter is the planet of good luck

This week brings some great Jupiter action … first the Moon triggers Jupiter today and then in two days’ time, Jupiter triggers Neptune. Here’s a reminder of where Jupiter is in your chart and where you can expect to get lucky, to seek freedom, be inspired (thanks to the upcoming Neptune link) and/or to experience some kind of expansion…

Jupiter is moving through your 8th House, the part of your chart where you keep sex and money, intimacy and All Things Taboo. There could be Officially Good Financial News coming your way – perhaps a massive tax refund, perhaps a windfall to help you pay off your debts, perhaps a payrise in recognition of your hard work (or even just because your boss loves you). Generous Jupiter in your 8th House is usually good news financially. Because this part of the chart is also about Taboo, and Jupiter is about risk, some people find themselves wanting to somehow walk on the wild side – either re cash or in life. That’s fine – test your luck if you want to. But be careful you don’t push it too far! Ditto if you decide to go a’ gambling. Always remember not to bet more than you can afford to lose! On the sex and intimacy front, Jupiter in your 8th House can simply translate as More Sex. Yes indeed. It’s a tough transit, but someone has to do it! On a deeper level, Jupiter in this part of your chart can make it easier for you to get close to Someone Special. If you’ve been the type to keep people at arm’s length, now could see you finally relaxing enough in trust to let someone really know you, shadow side and all. Exploring the deeper side of your True Self now could be extremely rewarding.

Has Mercury retrograde messed with your mind?

Mercury retrograde ends tomorrow so this is the last day we will be offering our Mercury Retrograde eBook for this cycle. Grab it now while you can! It will help guide you through every Mercury retrograde ever! It’s here.


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