
A Neptune Affair; you are the dream and I am the dreamer

22 Oct 2016, 05:23 pm

In another life he could have been mine I suppose all of his planets fall in my 7th house and 3 of mine fall in his. Perhaps that is why I had to know him. The 7th house is what you seek in a mate and a part of me felt like wow there you are.  This vague I am so comfortable to be here with you.


I see him through this film this kaleidoscope of colors. I think he is beautiful

I have had this song on repeat for a minute



I was reading a book that said our combined energies is a “gossamer fabric” very beautiful and delicate, light and ethereal.

Neptune is the planet of dreams, addictions, escapism; it rules what you don’t see it over sees fantasies and all things magical.  Neptune eludes, deludes and is evasive. Now you see him now you don’t. My Tarot Reader who knows nothing is particular about my situation pulled out the Magician card a few weeks ago and told me “don’t let him dazzle you with bullshit”. Neptune themed relationships often involve someone with addiction issues, someone looking to be saved and most definitely someone looking to escape.

Sometimes I think Neptune relationships have a difficult time surviving  or even getting off the ground in this cold Saturn ruled world where buying homes and laying down foundations take precedence over dreams and connections on a soul level.  Neptune contacts after all are otherworldly and not of this plane.  The keynotes are telepathy, dreaming of one another, and they are marked by an evasive you just can’t put your finger on them quality.

I have Neptune conjunct my Midheaven, my Neptune is a part of my grand fire trine with moon and Saturn too much reality erodes me, I much prefer the dream the smugness of it all; the gossamer fabric.

Perhaps for someone more cerebral this would never do.

I feel him on the perimeter of me, so close but yet so far. The other day I yelled why are you hiding from me?! And laughed and thought what a Neptunian thing to say, hiding in plain sight. He appears and disappears like a rabbit in a hat. I told him I hope I haunt him forever; I have no doubt I will. One night I will seep into his subconscious while he is on his 7th dream.


My Neptune squares his Moon, Mercury and Mars; His Neptune opposes my Venus and Mars.

A lot of talk goes on about who is deceiving who in these connections, perhaps it is neither. Maybe we just deceive ourselves.

I am not sure how he experiences me, he is very clear if not heavy handed in speech and I wonder with my Neptune squaring his Mercury do I bring him some sort of mental confusion. I generally do not talk a lot, not an excess of words. I believe this aspect is said that the Neptune values the intellectual accomplishments of the mercury person but I also feel the Neptune person (moi) is here to teach the mercury person something about spirituality.  A lesson I am going to presume the mercury person doesn’t want to learn  because these two planets meet by square. A square is an obstacle, it shows tension.

With the opposition it has a see saw effect; it is often debated who sees who like a dream. His Neptune opposes my Venus and mars and I see him as this magnificent I don’t even have words to describe sort of way, I tell myself that isn’t who he is that is merely my perception but no matter I see him through that sparkling veneer. It can also be and I have had it the Neptune person project his ideals onto Venus, I dated someone for a year and we had this aspect 100 years later he will say he never loved anyone like me.

These relationships or connections can be marked by forgiveness and compassion so even if something goes wrong an element of –its ok- will permeate.

Neptune relationships are supposed to be the most heart breaking; the dream doesn’t meet the reality. That’s what is written, it offers the promise of paradise that it can’t quite deliver.

Time has taught me to let things be as they are, I do believe what’s meant for you flows to you effortlessly and lets hope whats meant for me strolls in on a pink puffy cloud




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