
2016 Psychic predictions by Tara Greene

26 Dec 2015, 04:04 am

2016 predictions by Tara Greene www.taratarot.com

These predictions were edited and posted on a Lithuanian website in early November.

I am using Astrology and my intuition to figure out what 2016 has in store.

The energies of 2016 are very different than they have been since 2012 when we have been under the Cardinal Square energy which are still in effect but dissipating. The energy is now Mutable, changeable, and less stable than it has been which is not a bad thing.

We are in a number 9 year, called the Hermit or the Sage year in the tarot.

2016 astrology psychic Tara Greene

A huge reality versus a false assumption about our culture, our world, politics, laws and justice will be a huge major clash in 2016. People will be waking up or escaping further into relaxed marijuana laws which are being passed to make it easier to keep citizens passive in the U.S. and Canada.

There is a mix of more grounded energy until October when Jupiter enters Libra. Economics will be in more of a recessionary belt-tightening phase worldwide.  I predict a huge world-wide economic crash with debt being unable to falsely capped any longer. Inflation may be the silent worry that rears its head.  Best to learn to live simpler to cope.

Revolution will be in the air as corporate profits in the TPP will be fought in courts. Laws will be rewritten. Educational reform is also a big topic.  Worldwide standards of education will be implemented to make it easier for people to live and work anywhere in the world, at later dates.

Many people will be turning away from the rat race and choosing to drop out and live simpler more back to the land, grow their own food and live in commune lifestyles as in the 60’s. Everyone born in the latter part of the 60’s is karmically impelled to choose to live out those ideals now…

Issues around food safety, GMO’s, food transportation, the environment, and climate change, rising sea levels and instability in world weather will be a huge topic. There will be more a more unified direction by a worldwide government body to deal with climate change.  The insurance industry will be severely tried.

Issues about religious freedoms, rights to education, land and water rights will be huge battles.

Oil prices will continue to deflate causing countries financial futures to changes accordingly.

We have entered a new legal, educational and foreign policy era which is way more restricting and much less liberal than it has been. Refugees will be limited and subjugated to very rigorous tests to enter and settle in any foreign or E.U. country. Religious tolerance for Muslims is shrinking not expanding. Muslims and refugees may be rounded up and put into FEMA camps in the U.S. and Canada.

Travelling in general will be more limited and there will be many plane crashes. 

This year’s energies are similar to the Reaganomic years November 1985- 86. The U.S. economy boomed and oil prices dropped. The Iran-contra affair was in the news. We are in another era but with similar energies.

Saturn, the lord of karma is in now in the fiery mutable {changeable} sign of Sagittarius. Justice, truth, ethics, foreign politics, travel, airplanes, the military, refugees, legal matters, International co-operation are all part of this energy.   Assisted suicide for elderly and terminally ill patients will be universally adopted. Seniors get more respect.  Animal rights will be huge.

Big year for women to make gains in the corporate sector.

It will be a year of scandals and secret clandestine cabals being revealed like the recent Volkswagen scandal. Every major industry will be revealed to be corrupt at every level in what most people think of as democratic countries. Major corporations will be sued.This will be shocking for many.

The U.S. will have Saturn cross its Ascendant, this shows a testing time, a dimishment of the U.S. power. The Constitution mat be amended. Saturn and Pluto straddled the U.S. Ascendant/ descendant on 9/11 literally creating that horrible event.

All Countries and cities with Sagittarius strong in their charts by sun or Ascendant or other aspects will be strongly tested in 2016. Such as Toronto Canada. Spain, Lebanon, Yemen, Mongolia.U

U. S. PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION I see a dual outcome.

Donald Trump destroys the Republic Party. CLINTON may win, even though she has her issues. It is the time for a woman to be elected. Bernie Sanders is the real upstart in the election. I also see the possibility of the U.S. being in a war state and Obama staying on as president.It will be a roller coaster of an election.

Saturn crossing the U.S. Ascendant can also make the U.S. more hawkish on foreign policy. Revolution is fomenting in the U.S. March 23, June 17 and Sept 10 are major dates to watch for in the States and the world.

New  stricter laws about immigrants.

U.S. gun laws may be changed this year to protect citizens against the thousands of murders that happen in the U.S. every year. Even simpler I.D. and regulations.

The mood in the U.S. will be sober. Major Financial crisis. Major debts are out of control. I am predicting a bigger than 2008 market crash in March May and October 2016. Huge recession.


Level is very high this year.Danger of terrorist attack is also high as the 9/11 energies are being reignited in …..

The E.U.

The E.U. must refocus what its goals and long term direction is. The refugee crisis will destabilize the economy which will be chaotic.  Values and laws will be changed. Stricter immigration policies will be made law. This is a time of confusion and dissent.


Is going to go through a lot of violence and change in their political ideologues in 2016.


May change their laws about refuges, initiating much stricter limits.


Is rebooting its overly inflated economy. Its economy will be quite unstable this year. Agriculture and land reforms will be an issue. There will also be revolutionary energies in the country at the end of 2016. China will be working more behind the scenes over the next number of years.


Will be heavily expanding its weight in the world. But it may be in a false illusion about its own power. Its involvement in Syria is a power ploy around controlling the Oil. Putin may have stepped into a false sense of power and may fall flat on his face.


Is going to self-destruct in 2016. It could be the cause of WW III. Assad will be murdered or have to flee.. This is a huge year for the lies and deceits about who is involved behind this regime will out.


Will also be changing the way it interacts with the world. The deal with the U.S. opens it up a bit more but there may be a setback around shady nuclear dealings or terrorist dealings in late 2016.


Will be under fire. Saturn will limit their oil trade big time. This could be a huge fall in the countries power.


Is in for a very difficult time. There has been lying about the Fukushima disaster and the pollution of the oceans. There will be a dishonorable leaving of the head of the country. Japan will be in shame.  A further earthquake/tsunami  may leave the country virtually inhabitable over the next two years.


Is going through a change in power and will have a very strong year. Economy is good.  They will seek to leave the Queen’s sovereignty of the country.


Will continue to be an ongoing part of the daily news. Chemical warfare is a huge danger this year. Viruses, airborne or water born disease are the way terrorists will work. Food poisoning will also be at an epic high. Airplane hijacks will also be at a high. Travelling will be restricted. Ebola, and flash eating diseases rear their heads again as well as Mad cow.


Summer Olympics will be a huge test of Rio to emerge as a true world class city. They aren’t prepared to handle the infrastructure. There may be problems with water supplies and clean water. Scandal and corruption will be associated with the running of the Olympics. Unexpected unforeseen issues will cause chaos. Security issues will also cause problems.


EL NINO in North America and South America creates warmer winter. Earthquakes, tsunamis, more severe extreme weather is likely all year under the mutable signs but quickly changing. Food shortages, drought, forest fires in the drier Western America. Very hot in summer in Europe. Major earthquakes in Western U.S. all up and down coast. 


Natural medicine, herbs, organic foods. Non GMO foods. Sound and spiritual healing, water therapies,

Cleansing with colonics, and food as Medicine.  Traditional Chinese, Indian and Native Indigenous methods will be used for children with autism. Ayahuasca, a native plant concoction from South America will be used as a serious method for curing schizophrenia, addictions etc. instead of big pharma. 


Technology stocks will do well with many alternative fuels, heating, and energy sources coming to the foreground. Hi tech anti-pollution devices. 3D printers, water purification, will all do well.

Big Pharma may have a terrible year as huge law suits will be slapped on them for lying to the public and controlling governments, education and doctors.

MONSANTO and other huge food industries will also see their powers limited. Many medical breakthroughs using water and sound. New discoveries in physics will change our basic understanding of the laws of the universe.


Ancient evidence will be unearthed as to the nature of extraterrestrials being involved in humans being genetically engineered.  Battle between the old guard scientists, archeologists, researchers and new irrefutable evidence that will change the old order of reality.


VIRGO, SAGITTARIUS and PISCES as well as Gemini are the featured signs this year.

Capricorn and Aries are still the movers and shakers as well as Libra and Cancer.

Jupiter is in Virgo until October. Saturn is in Sagittarius all year-2017. The two major planets of long term expansion and contraction are squaring off each other and the planet Neptune planet of illusion delusion, addictions, fraud and debt is creating tough situations in the world.


Virgo is the sign of Health and with Jupiter in this sign, Jupiter expands whatever it touches. Jupiter makes it enjoyable to be disciplined, on a budget, watching our weight and dieting. As Virgo rules the digestive tract and upper intestines Jupiter’s influence can also exacerbate anyone with weakness here and so we must be careful to watch our diets. Virgo is the sign of the accountant perfectionist worrier and workaholic. Jupiter may make everyone work harder for less this year.

Jupiter and Neptune sign of religion spirituality and compassion are in hard aspects. Learning to meditate and distress from the workaholic penchant of Virgo is recommended.


Saturn in Sagittarius is also the teacher of sports, exercise and discipline. So it will be a big year for working out, with people taking their sports more seriously. The U.S. should do very well in Rio in the summer Olympics. With new swimming diving and racing records being set. China will also do very well. Older, more mature athletes will do exceptionally well. Major comebacks by athletes is possible. 

Children born in 2016

Will be very bright curious, intelligent, grounded spiritual and practical. Higher education is very important to them. They will love animals, sports, nature, travelling and learning. They will be adaptable and sensitive. Music, arts, classical mythology and secularism in religion will be their hallmarks. They will be tuned into their own truth and will be natural teachers. Honesty will be extremely important to them. They will be idealistic and maybe naïve. They are naturally trusting. Alternative healing and natural medicines and simple eating is important to their sensitive systems. They will be wise beyond their years.


Vladimir Putin

He is definitely holding more power on the world’s stage. He must be careful about being caught in a web of deceit.

Prince Harry’s love life will be heating up big time. Someone new, a karmic love, a commoner. They meet in a foreign country. He will fall fast.

Taylor Swift

A quiet relationship year for her. She is planning a whole new identity later in 2016.

Ryan Gosling and Eva Mendez

So happy to be parents, the get pregnant with another child, a boy.

Miley Cyrus

Needs to be careful with her drugging. She will take off in a new identity direction in 2017.

Justin Bieber

Continues to have a great year, He must still stay sober. He may turn to acting, and must also be careful about being swindled by a gold digger. He may become a father.

Kanye West

Very creative year for Kanye. He may go in to a creative partnership with another top player. New music for sure.


 She may also be pregnant with a second child but her marriage is in danger..

George and Amal Clooney
Yes she will get pregnant. He is definitely going to enter politics but not for a while.

Robert Pattinson and FKA Twigs get married.


Serious relationships. He may start a creative media network. He becomes more spiritual.

Still needs to be careful of her health. She may have more strokes.


Really needs to watch his addictions. He will be getting more and more popular.

Johnny Depp

May become a daddy again with new wife amber Herd. 


continues to use his Hollywood status to do more political work.


Jack Nicholson,


Jennifer Lawrence

May develop ulcers or need to take a break.

Barbra Streisand

needs to watch her health. 

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